Master Alejandro Pereira developed the CFTP Taekwondo system many years ago. It is derived from traditional Taekwondo and includes sparring, form, weapons, one step sparring, and self defense techniques. CFTP Taekwondo is available to children and adults a like as it encompasses a wide variety of skills and training techniques tailored for each age group and class.

Kinder Ninjas

CFTP Kinder Ninjas program has been specifically designed for students aged 3-4yrs. Students in this group learn to kick, punch, block, run, and jump in a safe, fun environment. The physcial skills are combined with an emphasis on listening and focus. At a young age our Kinder Ninjas learn how to carry themselves as martial artist with confidence, discipline, and respect.

Li’l Lions programs

The CFTP Li’l Lions program is a Taekwondo system created for students aged 4-6 years. It includes all components of our regular program including form, weapons, sparring, one step sparring, and self defense. Li’l Lions learn these skills in a fundamental sense; their training becomes more intricate as they get older and develop as martial artists. Li’l Lions also learn about life skills such as respect, courtesy, and discipline.


The leadership club is CFTP Taekwondo as it pertains to students aged 7-18. It is an advanced system from white to black belt which encompasses the full CFTP curriculum. Students learn valuable leadership skills as well as Taekwondo. They are taught to teach which truly sets them up for success in their future as martial artists as well as in their personal lives.

Adult Taekwondo

CFTP Adult Taekwondo program is an essential mirror image of the leadership program. Students learn the entire CFTP Curriculum from white to black belt and are exposed to life skill development as well as leadership training. Many Adults who come in for Taekwondo training are looking to get in shape and we make sure they due through our rigorous conditioning component.

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